Treatment Plans
Skin Treatment Plans
Choose from our 12-week or 24-week skin treatment plans for lasting results and the best value.

Anti-aging Plan
Non-invasive, frequent collagen and elastin treatment is the key to keeping your skin plump, toned and sun-damage free!
Improve fine lines & wrinkles, lack lustre complexion, loss of firmness and elasticity

Bride To Be or Event Plan
Get ready for your special day by practising some self-care and de-stress with our bridal package and get your skin looking flawless!
Suitable for the whole bridal party including the groom, or for any other special occasion.

Clear Blemishes and Acne Prone Skin Plan
The earlier you start to treat acne or blemish prone skin the sooner you will see results. Patience is required as we work on corrective skincare, diet and supplements, and treatments until you see improvement.
Minimise breakouts & acne prone skin grades 1, 2 & 3

Even Skin Tone and Brightening Plan
Consistent routine with targeted skincare and sunscreen forms the foundation of successful treatment and prevention of further pigmentation forming. Once skin is prepared, a series of treatments will follow to repair the damaged melanocytes.
Decrease sun damage & age spots not suitable for treatment of Melasma or Chloasma

Sensitive Rosacea Plan
LED Light Therapy facials with corrective skincare helps to calm the skin together with an anti-inflammatory diet, stress management and lifestyle factors to change the microbiome of your gut.
Reduce sensitive, reactive, rosacea and redness prone skin

Female Thinning Hair Plan
Acting on early signs of hair loss is critical in maximising treatment efforts. Early detection increases the effectiveness of treatment and reduce the number of treatments necessary.
Revitalise hair follicles & stimulate hair growth. Suitable for female thinning hair